Why REVORING 2-in-1 VND3-1000 is a must-have filter for video shooting

Why REVORING 2-in-1 VND3-1000 is a must-have filter for video shooting

ND filter is a filter we must use to shoot video, we may often encounter a situation, is in the daytime when your iso has been adjusted to the lowest value, the aperture is not possible to change, the rest of the only thing you can adjust the shutter speed, but the shooting out of the picture always feel less than ideal.

Of course for video shooting, your shutter speed is actually twice the frame rate, but of course we don't need to follow this rule exactly.

But if the shutter speed is too high, what I can't stand is the stroboscopic flicker when shooting scenes with lights, this stroboscopic flicker can't be saved, even if it's a de-strobe plug-in, it will still strobe when it's used up, it's just that the effect may be a little bit better.

But if the shutter speed is too high, what I can't stand is the strobe when shooting scenes with lights, this strobe can't be saved, even if it's a de-strobe plug-in, it will still strobe when it's used up, it's just that the effect may be a little bit better.

At this point I would recommend getting an nd filter, in my previous videos I used more of the traditional regular round threaded filters, or inserted hoods. Recently, I've been using H&Y's REVORING series of variable nd filters, and the great thing about them is that they have a range of 1.5-10 stops of light reduction, which basically meets the needs of video creators.

Another powerful thing about this filter is that it can magnetically expand the REVORING series of other functional magnetic filters, such as black soft, white soft, starlight, brushed filters, etc., and it also supports the installation of the shade bucket, a suction can be, the installation is very convenient.


I believe that when you use traditional nd filters, in the case of multiple lenses and different caliber, and in order to save money will be configured with a lot of adapter ring to be compatible with other caliber lenses, each time you need to switch back and forth to use the filter, screwing around very troublesome.

H & Y's REVORING 2-in-1 nd filter variable bayonet structure I like very much, I am currently using the 67-82mm filter caliber, it can cover almost all the lenses I currently use, only need to be installed when a screw a buckle, a little twisted half a circle can be used.

There is also a H&Y filter system, in the above content I have shared REVORING 2-in-1 nd filters can be magnetically stacked with some functional filters and magnetic hood, this filter ecological compared to my previous use of the insert type of hood system, it can be said to be very convenient, easy to operate easy to get started, the use of it is really very convenient and efficient.


This content creation from: Photographer Director Wan

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