The Black mist filter gives your photos an instant sense of movie atmosphere!

The Black mist filter gives your photos an instant sense of movie atmosphere!

Features of Black mist Filter

The Black mist Filter is an optical glass soft filter infused with a fine black diffusion material that effectively reduces the contrast of the image, minimizing the difference between highlights and shadows and producing a soft, smooth transition effect.

In everyday shooting, the Black mist Filter reduces the sharpness of details in the image, making it look more natural and softly delicate.

Secondly, the use of Black & White Filter can reduce the reflection of light, especially in the highlight areas, and help to avoid overexposure and spotting phenomenon, making the transition between the foreground, mid-ground and background smoother and more natural.

For example, this group of pictures shot with H&Y Black mist Filter, you can see that the highlights under the trees are haloed, and the picture presents a more beautiful and hazy movie texture.



And the image of the model's skin texture more bright, because the black mist filter can effectively reduce the skin imperfections and wrinkles, looks like a "dermabrasion" effect, creating a warm, soft skin tone effect, so that the characters are more beautiful and attractive.


The difference between black mist filter and white mist filter

I got H&Y's Black mist Filter and White promist Filter and experienced them for a while, the main reason I chose them is not only their innovative magnetic design and convenience, but also as a portrait photographer, I want to try more portrait creation subjects.

After daily shooting and some comparisons, I prefer to use the Black mist Filter in my photography, because the function of the Black mist Filter is used to reduce the contrast and soften the details, making the image smoother and more natural, and also in the retention of details in the highlight areas, the Black mist Filter is better than the White mist Filter, which is very suitable for portraits and landscapes photography.



This set of pictures was taken in the subway station, when I saw the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled into the subway, everywhere flashed with golden light, and I hurriedly picked up the camera to take this set of pictures, the picture looked warmer with the help of Black and White, as if I was in the movie.

You can see that with the Black mist filter, there is a creamy softness in the highlights, and the image remains true to its original color. If you use the White Soft Filter, it may increase the brightness to a certain extent, making the colors appear softer and brighter.

Therefore, the Black mist Filter is suitable for scenes where you need to reduce the contrast and highlight the layers of the picture, while the White Promist Filter is suitable for scenes where you need to increase the brightness and create a romantic atmosphere.




After using the black mist filter for a period of time, I found that the effect of the black mist filter is relatively more natural and closer to the real scene, while the effect of the white soft filter emphasizes more on the sense of art and dreamy atmosphere, which is visually more attractive.

When choosing filters, you should decide whether to use black or white filters according to your specific shooting needs and style, and black filters are of course my first choice in portrait photography!

In conclusion, no matter which one you choose, filters are a very important photography accessory for photographers in their daily creation, they can give photos different emotions and performance effects!



This content creation from: Photographer EC

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