Landscape Photography H&Y Revoring Variable Neutral Density + Circular Polarizer Filter

Landscape Photography H&Y Revoring Variable Neutral Density + Circular Polarizer Filter

In the process of creation, how should we reasonably go to control the exposure, in the daytime outdoor shooting, want to achieve a large aperture of the background bokeh, choose to adjust the shutter shutter speed, but get the picture dynamic blur is not right, this time our best practice is to go to the choice of the ND filter control exposure.

Just got the RevoRing Variable Neutral Density + Circular Polarizer adjustable filter of H&Y, in ensuring a reasonable shutter speed, we can shoot a large aperture background bokeh in the daytime, and also force the shutter speed to 1/15 second to shoot the same slow shutter effect of Wong Kar Wai.

This Revoring VND+CPL filter is a wide-angle structure filter designed from a combination of adjustable ND filter + CPL filters as a whole, and you can use the ND filters or CPL filters function alone by turning the adjustment dial for precise exposure control.

With its own CPL polarizer filters, when shooting water or glass reflections, we can adjust the polarizer to achieve the ideal picture.

And it telescopic variable caliber, can cover all the lens group, I got this set of 67-82mm caliber, can be directly universal 67, 72, 77, 82mm caliber range of lenses.

We are replacing the lens, the installation of the filter directly on, and its convenient and fast, goodbye to the traditional take a bunch of filters out, greatly reducing the burden of the photographer.

This content creation from: Eleven7

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